BSides St. Louis!

bsidesSTL 2025
We excited to announce that you should clear your calendar for:
September 27th 2025
More details to come
The vision for this B-sides is simple: Give interested techies a place to start and gain a foothold in the security community. Our organizers have attended Big Cons, Little Cons, and ones in between. Every con brings something amazing to the people it serves: community. The local security community in STL is vibrant. We want to continue growing that community by holding a free event that can introduce the interested to the connected.
This is a FREE event conference with local speakers and hackers showing technologies they love and talking about how they have gotten involved in the greater Security Community. Tickets are free for the whole day, including lunch and admission to the after party.
Bring your notebooks, hand out business cards, have a few drinks with other like-minded techies!
Call for Sponsors! We love helping sponsors demonstrate their love of the community by working with us! Please direct all sponsorship inquiries to
Code of Conduct
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